Thursday, July 26, 2012


AWK, hand-cut paper, 3 layers, 8x8 inches, 2012
I lived in New York from 2001-2002. I moved there after getting an internship with the Starn Twins. I was a young eager thing then, and met lots of people at different art functions and other random places, including a person of importance for Vice Magazine. He told me to come by the office with my portfolio. In preparation, I scoured through all the recent issues, and one article stuck out in particular --Andew W.K. In Vice's review of his record, it wrote something along the lines of "asking Vice to review AWK is like asking Christians to review God." I noted that he was playing in town that weekend and I was determined to get into that sold-out show, and take phenomenal photos and impress the hell out of the magazine. This cut-out is based on a photo that I took from that show. Haha. 

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